Source code for histolab.util

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# Copyright 2022 All Histolab Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import functools
import math
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import PIL
import PIL.ImageDraw
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
from skimage.util.dtype import img_as_ubyte

from .types import CoordinatePair, Region

warn = functools.partial(warnings.warn, stacklevel=2)

[docs]def apply_mask_image(img: PIL.Image.Image, mask: np.ndarray) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Mask image with the provided binary mask. Parameters ---------- img : PIL.Image.Image Input image mask : np.ndarray Binary mask Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image Image with the mask applied """ img_arr = np.array(img) if mask.ndim == 2 and img_arr.ndim != 2: masked_image = np.zeros(img_arr.shape, "uint8") n_channels = img_arr.shape[2] for channel_i in range(n_channels): masked_image[:, :, channel_i] = img_arr[:, :, channel_i] * mask else: masked_image = img_arr * mask return np_to_pil(masked_image)
[docs]def np_to_pil(np_img: np.ndarray) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Convert a NumPy array to a PIL Image. Parameters ---------- np_img : np.ndarray The image represented as a NumPy array. Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image The image represented as PIL Image """ def _transform_bool(img_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return img_array.astype(np.uint8) * 255 def _transform_float(img_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return ( img_array.astype(np.uint8) if np.max(img_array) > 1 else img_as_ubyte(img_array) ) types_factory = { "bool": _transform_bool(np_img), "float64": _transform_float(np_img), } image_array = types_factory.get(str(np_img.dtype), np_img.astype(np.uint8)) return PIL.Image.fromarray(image_array)
[docs]def refine_thumbnail_size_preserving_aspect_ratio( thumbnail_size: Tuple[int, int], original_size: Tuple[int, int] ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return thumbnail dimensions preserving the original image aspect ratio. Parameters ---------- thumbnail_size : Tuple[int, int] The width and height of the thumbnail. original_size : Tuple[int, int] The width and height of the original image. Returns ------- The new width and height with preserved aspect ratio. """ def round_aspect(number, key): return max(min(math.floor(number), math.ceil(number), key=key), 1) x, y = tuple(map(math.floor, thumbnail_size)) original_x, original_y = original_size if x >= original_x and y >= original_y: return thumbnail_size aspect = original_x / original_y if x / y >= aspect: x = round_aspect(y * aspect, key=lambda n: abs(aspect - n / y)) else: y = round_aspect(x / aspect, key=lambda n: 0 if n == 0 else abs(aspect - x / n)) return x, y
[docs]def random_choice_true_mask2d(binary_mask: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return a random pair of indices (column, row) where the ``binary_mask`` is True. Parameters ---------- binary_mask : np.ndarray Binary array. Returns ------- Tuple[int, int] Random pair of indices (column, row) where the ``binary_mask`` is True. """ y, x = np.where(binary_mask) loc = np.random.randint(len(y) - 1) return x[loc], y[loc]
[docs]def rectangle_to_mask(dims: Tuple[int, int], vertices: CoordinatePair) -> np.ndarray: """ Return a binary mask with True inside of rectangle ``vertices`` and False outside. The returned mask has shape ``dims``. Parameters ---------- dims : Tuple[int, int] (rows, columns) of the binary mask vertices : CoordinatePair CoordinatePair representing the upper left and bottom right vertices of the rectangle Returns ------- np.ndarray Binary mask with True inside of the rectangle, False outside. """ rectangle_vertices = [ (vertices.x_ul, vertices.y_ul), (vertices.x_ul, vertices.y_br), (vertices.x_br, vertices.y_br), (vertices.x_br, vertices.y_ul), ] img ="L", dims[::-1], 0) PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(rectangle_vertices, outline=1, fill=1) return np.array(img).astype(bool)
[docs]def regions_from_binary_mask(binary_mask: np.ndarray) -> List[Region]: """Calculate regions properties from a binary mask. Parameters ---------- binary_mask : np.ndarray Binary mask from which to extract the regions Returns ------- List[Region] Properties for all the regions present in the binary mask """ def convert_np_coords_to_pil_coords( bbox_np: Tuple[int, int, int, int] ) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: return (*reversed(bbox_np[:2]), *reversed(bbox_np[2:])) thumb_labeled_regions = label(binary_mask) regions = [ Region( index=i, area=rp.area, bbox=convert_np_coords_to_pil_coords(rp.bbox), center=rp.centroid, coords=rp.coords, ) for i, rp in enumerate(regionprops(thumb_labeled_regions)) ] return regions
[docs]def regions_to_binary_mask(regions: List[Region], dims: Tuple[int, int]) -> np.ndarray: """Create a binary mask given a list of ``regions``. For each region ``r``, the areas within ``r.coords`` are filled with True, False outside. Parameters ---------- regions : List[Region] The regions to create the binary mask. dims : Tuple[int, int] Dimensions of the resulting binary mask. Returns ------- np.ndarray Binary mask from the ``regions`` coordinates. """ img ="L", dims[::-1], 0) for region in regions: coords = region.coords coords = np.vstack([coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0]]).T PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img).point(coords.ravel().tolist(), fill=1) binary_mask_regions = np.array(img).astype(bool) return binary_mask_regions
[docs]def region_coordinates(region: Region) -> CoordinatePair: """Extract bbox coordinates from the region. Parameters ---------- region : Region Region from which to extract the coordinates of the bbox Returns ------- CoordinatePair Coordinates of the bbox """ return CoordinatePair(*region.bbox)
[docs]def scale_coordinates( reference_coords: CoordinatePair, reference_size: Tuple[int, int], target_size: Tuple[int, int], ) -> CoordinatePair: """Compute the coordinates corresponding to a scaled version of the image. Parameters ---------- reference_coords: CoordinatePair Coordinates referring to the upper left and lower right corners respectively. reference_size: tuple of int Reference (width, height) size to which input coordinates refer to target_size: tuple of int Target (width, height) size of the resulting scaled image Returns ------- coords: CoordinatesPair Coordinates in the scaled image """ reference_coords = np.asarray(reference_coords).ravel() reference_size = np.tile(reference_size, 2) target_size = np.tile(target_size, 2) return CoordinatePair( *np.floor((reference_coords * target_size) / reference_size).astype("int64") )
[docs]def threshold_to_mask( img: PIL.Image.Image, threshold: float, relate: Callable[..., Any] ) -> np.ndarray: """Mask image with pixel according to the threshold value. Parameters ---------- img: PIL.Image.Image Input image threshold: float The threshold value to exceed. relate: callable operator Comparison operator between img pixel values and threshold Returns ------- np.ndarray Boolean NumPy array representing a mask where a pixel has a value True if the corresponding input array pixel exceeds the threshold value. if the corresponding input array pixel exceeds the threshold value. """ img_arr = np.array(img) return relate(img_arr, threshold)
[docs]def lazyproperty(f: Callable[..., Any]): """Decorator like @property, but evaluated only on first access. Like @property, this can only be used to decorate methods having only a `self` parameter, and is accessed like an attribute on an instance, i.e. trailing parentheses are not used. Unlike @property, the decorated method is only evaluated on first access; the resulting value is cached and that same value returned on second and later access without re-evaluation of the method. Like @property, this class produces a *data descriptor* object, which is stored in the __dict__ of the *class* under the name of the decorated method ('fget' nominally). The cached value is stored in the __dict__ of the *instance* under that same name. Because it is a data descriptor (as opposed to a *non-data descriptor*), its `__get__()` method is executed on each access of the decorated attribute; the __dict__ item of the same name is "shadowed" by the descriptor. While this may represent a performance improvement over a property, its greater benefit may be its other characteristics. One common use is to construct collaborator objects, removing that "real work" from the constructor, while still only executing once. It also de-couples client code from any sequencing considerations; if it's accessed from more than one location, it's assured it will be ready whenever needed. A lazyproperty is read-only. There is no counterpart to the optional "setter" (or deleter) behavior of an @property. This is critically important to maintaining its immutability and idempotence guarantees. Attempting to assign to a lazyproperty raises AttributeError unconditionally. The parameter names in the methods below correspond to this usage example:: class Obj(object): @lazyproperty def fget(self): return 'some result' obj = Obj() Not suitable for wrapping a function (as opposed to a method) because it is not callable. """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable return property(functools.lru_cache(maxsize=100)(f))
[docs]def method_dispatch(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """Decorator like @singledispatch to dispatch on the second argument of a method. It relies on @singledispatch to return a wrapper function that selects which registered function to call based on the type of the second argument. This is implementation is required in order to be compatible with Python versions older than 3.8. In the future we could use ``functools.singledispatchmethod``. Source: Parameters ---------- func : Callable[..., Any] Method to dispatch Returns ------- Callable[..., Any] Selected method """ dispatcher = functools.singledispatch(func) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return dispatcher.dispatch(args[1].__class__)(*args, **kw) wrapper.register = dispatcher.register functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, func) return wrapper