Source code for histolab.filters.morphological_filters

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# Copyright 2022 All Histolab Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage.morphology
import skimage.morphology

from . import morphological_filters_functional as F
from .image_filters import Filter

    from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable

[docs]@runtime_checkable class MorphologicalFilter(Filter, Protocol): """Morphological filter base class""" @abstractmethod def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: pass # pragma: no cover
[docs]class RemoveSmallObjects(MorphologicalFilter): """Remove objects smaller than the specified size. If avoid_overmask is True, this function can recursively call itself with progressively halved minimum size objects to avoid removing too many objects in the mask. Parameters ---------- np_img : np.ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) Input mask min_size : int, optional Minimum size of small object to remove. Default is 3000 avoid_overmask : bool, optional (default is True) If True, avoid masking above the overmask_thresh percentage. overmask_thresh : int, optional (default is 95) If avoid_overmask is True, avoid masking above this threshold percentage value. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mask with small objects filtered out Example: >>> from PIL import Image >>> from histolab.filters.image_filters import RgbToGrayscale, OtsuThreshold >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import RemoveSmallObjects >>> image_rgb ="tests/fixtures/pil-images-rgb/tcga-lung-rgb.png") >>> rgb_to_grayscale = RgbToGrayscale() >>> otsu_threshold = OtsuThreshold() >>> remove_small_objects = RemoveSmallObjects() >>> image_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(image_rgb) >>> binary_image = otsu_threshold(image_gray) >>> image_no_small_objects = remove_small_objects(binary_image) """ # noqa def __init__( self, min_size: int = 3000, avoid_overmask: bool = True, overmask_thresh: int = 95, ): self.min_size = min_size self.avoid_overmask = avoid_overmask self.overmask_thresh = overmask_thresh def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return F.remove_small_objects( np_mask, self.min_size, self.avoid_overmask, self.overmask_thresh )
[docs]class RemoveSmallHoles(MorphologicalFilter): """Remove holes smaller than a specified size. Parameters ---------- np_img : np.ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) Input mask area_threshold: int, optional (default is 3000) Remove small holes below this size. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mask with small holes filtered out Example: >>> from PIL import Image >>> from histolab.filters.image_filters import RgbToGrayscale, OtsuThreshold >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import RemoveSmallHoles >>> image_rgb ="tests/fixtures/pil-images-rgb/tcga-lung-rgb.png") >>> rgb_to_grayscale = RgbToGrayscale() >>> otsu_threshold = OtsuThreshold() >>> remove_small_holes = RemoveSmallHoles() >>> image_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(image_rgb) >>> binary_image = otsu_threshold(image_gray) >>> image_no_small_holes = remove_small_holes(binary_image) """ # noqa def __init__(self, area_threshold: int = 3000): self.area_threshold = area_threshold def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return skimage.morphology.remove_small_holes(np_mask, self.area_threshold)
[docs]class BinaryErosion(MorphologicalFilter): """Erode a binary mask. Parameters ---------- np_mask : np.ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) Numpy array of the binary mask disk_size : int, optional (default is 5) Radius of the disk structuring element used for erosion. iterations : int, optional (default is 1) How many times to repeat the erosion. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mask after the erosion Example: >>> from PIL import Image >>> from histolab.filters.image_filters import RgbToGrayscale, OtsuThreshold >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import BinaryErosion >>> image_rgb ="tests/fixtures/pil-images-rgb/tcga-lung-rgb.png") >>> rgb_to_grayscale = RgbToGrayscale() >>> otsu_threshold = OtsuThreshold() >>> binary_erosion = BinaryErosion(disk_size=6) >>> image_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(image_rgb) >>> binary_image = otsu_threshold(image_gray) >>> image_eroded = binary_erosion(binary_image) """ # noqa def __init__(self, disk_size: int = 5, iterations: int = 1): self.disk_size = disk_size self.iterations = iterations def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if not np.array_equal(np_mask, np_mask.astype(bool)): raise ValueError("Mask must be binary") return scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion( np_mask, skimage.morphology.disk(self.disk_size), self.iterations )
[docs]class BinaryDilation(MorphologicalFilter): """Dilate a binary mask. Parameters ---------- np_mask : np.ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) Numpy array of the binary mask disk_size : int, optional (default is 5) Radius of the disk structuring element used for dilation. iterations : int, optional (default is 1) How many times to repeat the dilation. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mask after the dilation Example: >>> from PIL import Image >>> from histolab.filters.image_filters import RgbToGrayscale, OtsuThreshold >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import BinaryDilation >>> image_rgb ="tests/fixtures/pil-images-rgb/tcga-lung-rgb.png") >>> rgb_to_grayscale = RgbToGrayscale() >>> otsu_threshold = OtsuThreshold() >>> binary_dilation = BinaryDilation() >>> image_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(image_rgb) >>> binary_image = otsu_threshold(image_gray) >>> image_dilated = binary_dilation(binary_image) """ # noqa def __init__(self, disk_size: int = 5, iterations: int = 1): self.disk_size = disk_size self.iterations = iterations def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if not np.array_equal(np_mask, np_mask.astype(bool)): raise ValueError("Mask must be binary") return scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation( np_mask, skimage.morphology.disk(self.disk_size), self.iterations )
[docs]class BinaryFillHoles(MorphologicalFilter): """Fill the holes in binary objects. Parameters ---------- np_img : np.ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) Numpy array of the binary mask structure: np.ndarray, optional Structuring element used in the computation; The default element yields the intuitive result where all holes in the input have been filled. Returns ------- np.ndarray Transformation of the initial image input where holes have been filled. Example: >>> from PIL import Image >>> from histolab.filters.image_filters import RgbToGrayscale, OtsuThreshold >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import BinaryFillHoles >>> image_rgb ="tests/fixtures/pil-images-rgb/tcga-lung-rgb.png") >>> rgb_to_grayscale = RgbToGrayscale() >>> otsu_threshold = OtsuThreshold() >>> binary_fill_holes = BinaryFillHoles() >>> image_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(image_rgb) >>> binary_image = otsu_threshold(image_gray) >>> image_filled_holes = binary_fill_holes(binary_image) """ def __init__(self, structure: np.ndarray = None): self.structure = structure def __call__(self, np_img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(np_img, self.structure)
[docs]class BinaryOpening(MorphologicalFilter): """Open a binary mask. Opening is an erosion followed by a dilation. Opening can be used to remove small objects. Parameters ---------- np_mask : np.ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) Numpy array of the binary mask disk_size : int, optional (default is 3) Radius of the disk structuring element used for opening. iterations : int, optional (default is 1) How many times to repeat the opening. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mask after the opening Example: >>> from PIL import Image >>> from histolab.filters.image_filters import RgbToGrayscale, OtsuThreshold >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import BinaryOpening >>> image_rgb ="tests/fixtures/pil-images-rgb/tcga-lung-rgb.png") >>> rgb_to_grayscale = RgbToGrayscale() >>> otsu_threshold = OtsuThreshold() >>> binary_opening = BinaryOpening() >>> image_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(image_rgb) >>> binary_image = otsu_threshold(image_gray) >>> image_opened = binary_opening(binary_image) """ # noqa def __init__(self, disk_size: int = 3, iterations: int = 1): self.disk_size = disk_size self.iterations = iterations def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if not np.array_equal(np_mask, np_mask.astype(bool)): raise ValueError("Mask must be binary") return scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_opening( np_mask, skimage.morphology.disk(self.disk_size), self.iterations )
[docs]class BinaryClosing(MorphologicalFilter): """Close a binary mask. Closing is a dilation followed by an erosion. Closing can be used to remove small holes. Parameters ---------- np_mask : np.ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) Numpy array of the binary mask disk_size : int, optional (default is 3) Radius of the disk structuring element used for closing. iterations : int, optional (default is 1) How many times to repeat the closing. Returns ------- np.ndarray Mask after the closing Example: >>> from PIL import Image >>> from histolab.filters.image_filters import RgbToGrayscale, OtsuThreshold >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import BinaryClosing >>> image_rgb ="tests/fixtures/pil-images-rgb/tcga-lung-rgb.png") >>> rgb_to_grayscale = RgbToGrayscale() >>> otsu_threshold = OtsuThreshold() >>> binary_closing = BinaryClosing() >>> image_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(image_rgb) >>> binary_image = otsu_threshold(image_gray) >>> image_closed = binary_closing(binary_image) """ # noqa def __init__(self, disk_size: int = 3, iterations: int = 1): self.disk_size = disk_size self.iterations = iterations def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if not np.array_equal(np_mask, np_mask.astype(bool)): raise ValueError("Mask must be binary") return scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_closing( np_mask, skimage.morphology.disk(self.disk_size), self.iterations )
[docs]class WatershedSegmentation(MorphologicalFilter): """Segment and label an binary mask with Watershed segmentation [1]_ The watershed algorithm treats pixels values as a local topography (elevation). Parameters ---------- np_mask : np.ndarray Input mask region_shape : int, optional The local region within which to search for image peaks is defined as a squared area region_shape x region_shape. Default is 6. Returns ------- np.ndarray Labelled segmentation mask References -------- .. [1] Watershed segmentation. Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import WatershedSegmentation >>> mask = np.array([[0,1],[1,0]]) # or np.load("/path/my_array_mask.npy") >>> watershed_segmentation = WatershedSegmentation() >>> mask_segmented = watershed_segmentation(mask) """ # noqa def __init__(self, region_shape: int = 6) -> None: self.region_shape = region_shape def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return F.watershed_segmentation(np_mask, self.region_shape)
[docs]class WhiteTopHat(MorphologicalFilter): """Return white top hat of an image. The white top hat of an image is defined as the image minus its morphological opening with respect to a structuring element. This operation returns the bright spots of the image that are smaller than the structuring element. Parameters ---------- np_mask : np.ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) Numpy array of the binary mask structure : np.ndarray, optional The neighborhood expressed as an array of 1 and 0. If None, use cross-shaped structuring element (connectivity=1). Example: >>> from PIL import Image >>> import numpy as np >>> from histolab.filters.image_filters import RgbToGrayscale, OtsuThreshold >>> from histolab.filters.morphological_filters import WhiteTopHat >>> image_rgb ="tests/fixtures/pil-images-rgb/tcga-lung-rgb.png") >>> rgb_to_grayscale = RgbToGrayscale() >>> otsu_threshold = OtsuThreshold() >>> white_that = WhiteTopHat(np.ones((5,5))) >>> image_gray = rgb_to_grayscale(image_rgb) >>> binary_image = otsu_threshold(image_gray) >>> image_out = white_that(binary_image) """ def __init__(self, structure: np.ndarray = None): self.structure = structure def __call__(self, np_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return skimage.morphology.white_tophat(np_mask, self.structure)