Source code for histolab.tile

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# Copyright 2020 All Histolab Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import PIL

from .filters import image_filters as imf
from .filters.compositions import FiltersComposition
from .types import CoordinatePair
from .util import lazyproperty

[docs]class Tile: """Provide Tile object representing a tile generated from a Slide object. Arguments --------- image : PIL.Image.Image Image describing the tile coords : CoordinatePair Level 0 Coordinates of the Slide from which the tile was extracted level : int, optional Level of tile extraction, by default None """ def __init__( self, image: PIL.Image.Image, coords: CoordinatePair, level: Optional[int] = None, ): self._image = image self._coords = coords self._level = level
[docs] def apply_filters( self, filters: imf.Filter, ) -> "Tile": """Apply a filter or composition of filters on a tile. Parameters ---------- filters : imf.Filter Filter or composition of filters to be applied Returns ------- Tile Tile with the filters applied """ filtered_image = filters(self.image) if isinstance(filtered_image, np.ndarray): filtered_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(filtered_image) return Tile(filtered_image, self.coords, self.level)
@lazyproperty def coords(self) -> CoordinatePair: """Level 0 Coordinates of the Slide from which the tile was extracted Returns ------- CoordinatePair Level 0 Coordinates of the Slide from which the tile was extracted """ return self._coords
[docs] def has_enough_tissue( self, tissue_percent: float = 80.0, near_zero_var_threshold: float = 0.1 ) -> bool: """Check if the tile has enough tissue. This method checks if the proportion of the detected tissue over the total area of the tile is above a specified threshold (by default 80%). Internally, the method quantifies the amount of tissue by applying a chain of filters, including conversion to grayscale, Otsu thresholding, binary dilation and small holes filling. Parameters ---------- tissue_percent : float, optional Number between 0.0 and 100.0 representing the minimum required percentage of tissue over the total area of the image, default is 80.0 near_zero_var_threshold : float, optional Minimum image variance after morphological operations (dilation, fill holes), default is 0.1 Returns ------- enough_tissue : bool Whether the image has enough tissue, i.e. if the proportion of tissue over the total area of the image is more than ``tissue_percent`` and the image variance after morphological operations is more than ``near_zero_var_threshold``. """ if self._is_almost_white: return False if not self._has_only_some_tissue(near_zero_var_threshold): return False if not self._has_tissue_more_than_percent(tissue_percent): return False return True
@lazyproperty def image(self) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Image describing the tile. Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image Image describing the tile. """ return self._image @lazyproperty def level(self) -> int: """Level of tile extraction. Returns ------- int Level of tile extraction. """ return self._level
[docs] def save(self, path: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]) -> None: """Save tile at given path. The format to use is determined from the filename extension (to be compatible to PIL.Image formats). If no extension is provided, the image will be saved in png format. Parameters --------- path: str or pathlib.Path Path to which the tile is saved. """ ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if not ext: path = f"{path}.png" Path(path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
@lazyproperty def tissue_mask(self) -> np.ndarray: """Binary mask representing the tissue in the tile. It is calculated given a composition of suitable filters. If a non-default composition is required, consider ``calculate_tissue_mask``. Returns ------- np.ndarray Binary mask representing the tissue in the tile. """ return self.calculate_tissue_mask(FiltersComposition(Tile))
[docs] def calculate_tissue_mask( self, filter_composition: FiltersComposition ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the binary mask representing the tissue in the tile. Parameters --------- filter_composition: FiltersComposition FiltersComposition used to calculate the mask. Returns ------- np.ndarray Binary mask representing the tissue in the tile. Notes ----- In order to address an issue with the calculation of the tissue mask in tiles where the tissue covers all the tile area, the filters are applied on the tile with a white border of 10px, and then the border is removed from the returned mask. """ np_tile = np.array(self._image) border_thickness = 10 np_tile_border = np.pad( np_tile, pad_width=( (border_thickness, border_thickness), (border_thickness, border_thickness), (0, 0), ), mode="constant", constant_values=255, ) tile_border = PIL.Image.fromarray(np_tile_border) # apply filters on tile with border filters = filter_composition.tissue_mask_filters mask_border = filters(tile_border) # remove border mask = mask_border[ border_thickness : np_tile.shape[0] + border_thickness, border_thickness : np_tile.shape[1] + border_thickness, ] return mask
@lazyproperty def tissue_ratio(self) -> float: """Ratio of the tissue area over the total area of the tile. Returns ------- float Ratio of the tissue area over the total area of the tile """ tissue_ratio = np.count_nonzero(self.tissue_mask) / self.tissue_mask.size return tissue_ratio # ------- implementation helpers ------- def _has_only_some_tissue(self, min_var: float = 150.0) -> np.bool_: """Check if the tile is composed by only some tissue. Parameters ---------- min_var : float, optional Minimum image variance to consider the image to be composed by only some tissue, default is 150. Returns ------- bool True if the image is composed by only some tissue. False if the tile is composed by all tissue or by no tissue at all. """ np_img = np.array(self._image.convert("L")) return np.var(np_img) > min_var def _has_tissue_more_than_percent(self, tissue_percent: float = 80.0) -> bool: """Check if tissue represent more than ``tissue_percent`` % of the image. Parameters ---------- tissue_percent : float, optional Number between 0.0 and 100.0 representing the minimum required percentage of tissue over the total area of the image, default is 80.0 Returns ------- bool True if tissue represent more than ``tissue_percent`` % of the image, False otherwise. """ return np.mean(self.tissue_mask) * 100 > tissue_percent @lazyproperty def _is_almost_white(self) -> bool: """Check if the image is almost white. Returns ------- bool True if the image is almost white, False otherwise """ rgb2gray = imf.RgbToGrayscale() image_gray = rgb2gray(self._image) image_gray_arr = np.array(image_gray) image_gray_arr = image_gray_arr / 255 return ( np.mean(image_gray_arr.ravel()) > 0.9 and np.std(image_gray_arr.ravel()) < 0.09 )