Source code for histolab.slide

# encoding: utf-8

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2020 All Histolab Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
import math
import ntpath
import os
import pathlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import openslide
import PIL
from skimage.measure import find_contours

from .exceptions import (
from .filters.compositions import FiltersComposition
from .tile import Tile
from .types import CoordinatePair
from .util import lazyproperty

    from .masks import BinaryMask

    from io import BytesIO

    import large_image

except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):  # pragma: no cover

IMG_EXT = "png"

[docs]class Slide: """Provide Slide objects and expose property and methods. Arguments --------- path : Union[str, pathlib.Path] Path where the WSI is saved. processed_path : Union[str, pathlib.Path] Path where the tiles will be saved to. use_largeimage : bool, optional Whether or not to use the `large_image` package for accessing the slide and extracting or calculating various metadata. If this is `False`, `openslide` is used. If it is `True`, `large_image` will try from the various installed tile sources. For example, if you installed it using `large_image[all]`, it will try `openslide` first, then `PIL`, and so on, depending on the slide format and metadata. `large_image` also handles internal logic to enable fetching exact micron-per-pixel resolution tiles by interpolating between the internal levels of the slide. If you don't mind installing an extra dependency, we recommend setting this to True and fetching Tiles at exact resolutions as opposed to levels. Different scanners have different specifications, and the same level may not always encode the same magnification in different scanners and slide formats. Raises ------ TypeError If the processed path is not specified. ModuleNotFoundError when `use_largeimage` is set to True and `large_image` module is not installed. """ def __init__( self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], processed_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], use_largeimage: bool = False, ) -> None: self._path = str(path) if isinstance(path, pathlib.Path) else path if processed_path is None: raise TypeError("processed_path cannot be None.") self._processed_path = processed_path if use_largeimage and not LARGEIMAGE_IS_INSTALLED: # pragma: no cover raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Setting use_large_image to True requires installation " "of the large_image module. Please visit: " " for instructions." ) self._use_largeimage = use_largeimage def __repr__(self): return ( self.__class__.__name__ + f"(path={self._path}, processed_path={self._processed_path})" ) # ---public interface methods and properties--- @lazyproperty def base_mpp(self) -> float: """Get microns-per-pixel resolution at scan magnification. Returns ------- float Microns-per-pixel resolution at scan (base) magnification. Raises ------ ValueError If `large_image` cannot detemine the slide magnification. MayNeedLargeImageError If `use_largeimage` was set to False when slide was initialized, and we cannot determine the magnification otherwise. """ if self._use_largeimage: if self._metadata.get("mm_x") is not None: return self._metadata["mm_x"] * (10**3) raise ValueError( "Unknown scan resolution! This slide is missing metadata " "needed for calculating the scanning resolution. Without " "this information, you can only ask for a tile by level, " "not mpp resolution." ) if "openslide.mpp-x" in return float(["openslide.mpp-x"]) if "aperio.MPP" in return float(["aperio.MPP"]) if ( "tiff.XResolution" in and"tiff.ResolutionUnit") == "centimeter" ): return 1e4 / float(["tiff.XResolution"]) raise MayNeedLargeImageError( "Unknown scan magnification! This slide format may be best " "handled using the large_image module. Consider setting " "use_largeimage to True when instantiating this Slide." ) @lazyproperty def dimensions(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Slide dimensions (w,h) at level 0. Returns ------- dimensions : Tuple[int, int] Slide dimensions (width, height) """ if self._use_largeimage: return self._metadata["sizeX"], self._metadata["sizeY"] return self._wsi.dimensions
[docs] def extract_tile( self, coords: CoordinatePair, tile_size: Tuple[int, int], level: int = None, mpp: float = None, ) -> Tile: """Extract a tile of the image at the selected level. Parameters ---------- coords : CoordinatePair Coordinates at level 0 from which to extract the tile. tile_size : Tuple[int, int] Final size of the extracted tile (x,y). If you choose to specify the `mpp` argument, you may elect to set this as `None` to return the tile as-is from `large_image` without any resizing. This is not recommended, as tile size may be off by a couple of pixels when coordinates are mapped to the exact mpp you request. level : int Level from which to extract the tile. If you specify this, and `mpp` is None, `openslide` will be used to fetch tiles from this level from the slide. `openslide` is used for fetching tiles by level, regardless of `self.use_largeimage`. mpp : float Micron per pixel resolution. Takes precedence over level. If this is not None, `large_image` will be used to fetch tiles at the exact microns-per-pixel resolution requested. Returns ------- tile : Tile Image containing the selected tile. """ if level is None and mpp is None: raise ValueError("Either level or mpp must be provided!") if level is not None: level = level if level >= 0 else self._remap_level(level) if not self._has_valid_coords(coords): # OpenSlide doesn't complain if the coordinates for extraction are wrong, # but it returns an odd image. raise TileSizeOrCoordinatesError( f"Extraction Coordinates {coords} not valid for slide with dimensions " f"{self.dimensions}" ) if mpp is None: image = self._wsi.read_region( location=(coords.x_ul, coords.y_ul), level=level, size=tile_size ) else: mm = mpp / 1000 image, _ = self._tile_source.getRegion( region=dict( left=coords.x_ul, top=coords.y_ul, right=coords.x_br, bottom=coords.y_br, units="base_pixels", ), scale=dict(mm_x=mm, mm_y=mm), format=large_image.tilesource.TILE_FORMAT_PIL, jpegQuality=100, ) # Sometimes when mpp kwarg is used, the image size is off from # what the user expects by a couple of pixels if tile_size is not None and not tile_size == image.size: if any( np.abs(tile_size[i] - j) > TILE_SIZE_PIXEL_TOLERANCE for i, j in enumerate(image.size) ): raise RuntimeError( f"The tile you requested at a resolution of {mpp} MPP " f"has a size of {image.size}, yet you specified a " f"final `tile_size` of {tile_size}, which is a very " "different value. When you set `mpp`, the `tile_size` " "parameter is used to resize fetched tiles if they " f"are off by just {TILE_SIZE_PIXEL_TOLERANCE} pixels " "due to rounding differences etc. Please check if you " "requested the right `mpp` and/or `tile_size`." ) image = image.resize( tile_size, IMG_UPSAMPLE_MODE if tile_size[0] >= image.size[0] else IMG_DOWNSAMPLE_MODE, ) return Tile(image, coords, level)
[docs] def level_dimensions(self, level: int = 0) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return the slide dimensions (w,h) at the specified level Parameters --------- level : int The level which dimensions are requested, default is 0. Returns ------- dimensions : Tuple[int, int] Slide dimensions at the specified level (width, height) Raises ------ LevelError If the specified level is not available """ level = level if level >= 0 else self._remap_level(level) try: return self._wsi.level_dimensions[level] except IndexError: raise LevelError( f"Level {level} not available. Number of available levels: " f"{len(self._wsi.level_dimensions)}" )
[docs] def level_magnification_factor(self, level: int = 0) -> str: """Return the magnification factor at the specified level. Notice that the conversion level-magnification can be computed only if the native magnification is available in the slide metadata. Parameters --------- level : int The level which magnification factor is requested, default is 0. Returns ------- magnification factor : str Magnification factor at speficied level Raises ------ LevelError If the specified level is not available. SlidePropertyError If the slide's native magnification or the downsample factor for the specified level are not available in the file's metadata. """ level = level if level >= 0 else self._remap_level(level) properties = if level not in self.levels: raise LevelError( f"Level {level} not available. Number of available levels: " f"{len(self.levels)}" ) if level > 0 and f"openslide.level[{level}].downsample" not in properties: raise SlidePropertyError( f"Downsample factor for level {level} not available. " f"Available slide properties: {list(}" ) if "openslide.objective-power" not in properties: raise SlidePropertyError( f"Native magnification not available. Available slide properties: " f"{list(}" ) downsample_factor = ( round(float(properties[f"openslide.level[{level}].downsample"])) if level != 0 else 1 ) level_magnification = ( int(properties["openslide.objective-power"]) / downsample_factor ) return f"{level_magnification}X"
@lazyproperty def levels(self) -> List[int]: """Slide's available levels Returns ------- List[int] The levels available """ return list(range(len(self._wsi.level_dimensions)))
[docs] def locate_mask( self, binary_mask: "BinaryMask", scale_factor: int = 32, tissue_mask: bool = False, alpha: int = 128, outline: str = "red", ) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Draw binary mask contours on a rescaled version of the slide Parameters ---------- binary_mask : BinaryMask Binary Mask object scale_factor : int Scaling factor for the returned image. Default is 32. tissue_mask : bool, optional Whether to draw the contours on the binary tissue mask instead of the rescaled version of the slide. Default is False. alpha : int The alpha level to be applied to the rescaled slide, default to 128. outline : str The outline color for the annotation, default to 'red'. Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image PIL Image of the rescaled slide with the binary mask contours outlined. """ img = self.scaled_image(scale_factor) mask = binary_mask(self) resized_mask = np.array( PIL.Image.fromarray(mask).resize(img.size, PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) ) if tissue_mask: filters = FiltersComposition(Slide).tissue_mask_filters img_tissue_mask = filters(img) img = PIL.Image.fromarray(img_tissue_mask).convert("RGB") else: img.putalpha(alpha) # pad the mask to have closed contours along the edges padded_mask = np.pad(resized_mask, pad_width=1, mode="constant") contours = [ cont - 1 for cont in find_contours(padded_mask, level=0.5) ] # unpad countours for contour in contours: contour = np.ceil(contour) contour = np.vstack([contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0]]).T PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(contour.ravel().tolist(), outline=outline) return img
@lazyproperty def name(self) -> str: """Slide name without extension. Returns ------- name : str """ bname = ntpath.basename(self._path) return bname[: bname.rfind(".")] @lazyproperty def processed_path(self) -> str: """Path to store the tiles generated from the slide. Returns ------- str Path to store the tiles generated from the slide """ return self._processed_path @lazyproperty def properties(self) -> dict: """Whole Slide Image properties. Returns ------- dict WSI complete properties. """ return dict(
[docs] def resampled_array(self, scale_factor: int = 32) -> np.array: """Return the resampled array from the original slide Parameters ---------- scale_factor : int, optional Image scaling factor. Default is 32. Returns ---------- resampled_array: np.ndarray Resampled array """ return self._resample(scale_factor)[1]
[docs] def scaled_image(self, scale_factor: int = 32) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Return a scaled image of the slide. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : int, optional Image scaling factor. Default is 32. Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image A scaled image of the slide. """ return self._resample(scale_factor)[0]
[docs] def show(self) -> None: """Display the slide thumbnail. NOTE: A new window of your OS image viewer will be opened. """ try: thumbnail = self.thumbnail # pragma: no cover except FileNotFoundError as error: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot display the slide thumbnail: {error}")
@lazyproperty def thumbnail(self) -> PIL.Image.Image: """Slide thumbnail. Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image The slide thumbnail. """ if self._use_largeimage: thumb_bytes, _ = self._tile_source.getThumbnail( encoding="PNG", width=self._thumbnail_size[0], height=self._thumbnail_size[1], ) thumbnail = self._bytes2pil(thumb_bytes).convert("RGB") return thumbnail return self._wsi.get_thumbnail(self._thumbnail_size) # ------- implementation helpers ------- @staticmethod def _bytes2pil(bytesim: bytearray): """Convert a bytes image to a PIL image object. Parameters ---------- bytesim : bytearray A bytes object representation of an image. Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image A PIL Image object converted from the Bytes input. """ image_content = BytesIO(bytesim) return def _has_valid_coords(self, coords: CoordinatePair) -> bool: """Check if ``coords`` are valid 0-level coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : CoordinatePair Coordinates at level 0 to check Returns ------- bool True if the coordinates are valid, False otherwise """ return ( 0 <= coords.x_ul < self.dimensions[0] and 0 <= coords.x_br < self.dimensions[0] and 0 <= coords.y_ul < self.dimensions[1] and 0 <= coords.y_br < self.dimensions[1] ) @lazyproperty def _metadata(self) -> dict: """Get metadata about this slide, including magnification. Returns ------- dict This function is a wrapper. Please read the documentation for ``large_image.TileSource.getMetadata()`` for details on the return keys and data types. """ return self._tile_source.getMetadata() def _remap_level(self, level: int) -> int: """Remap negative index for the given level onto a positive one. Parameters ---------- level : int The level index to remap Returns ------- level : int Positive level index Raises ------ LevelError when the abs(level) is greater than the number of the levels. """ if len(self.levels) - abs(level) < 0: raise LevelError( f"Level {level} not available. Number of available levels: " f"{len(self._wsi.level_dimensions)}" ) return len(self.levels) - abs(level) def _resample(self, scale_factor: int = 32) -> Tuple[PIL.Image.Image, np.array]: """Convert a slide to a scaled-down PIL image. The PIL image is also converted to array. image is the scaled-down PIL image, original width and original height are the width and height of the slide, new width and new height are the dimensions of the PIL image. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : int, 32 by default Image scaling factor Returns ------- PIL.Image.Image The resampled image np.ndarray The resampled image converted to array """ _, _, new_w, new_h = self._resampled_dimensions(scale_factor) if self._use_largeimage: kwargs = ( { "scale": { "magnification": self._metadata["magnification"] / scale_factor } } if self._metadata["magnification"] is not None else {} ) wsi_image, _ = self._tile_source.getRegion( format=large_image.tilesource.TILE_FORMAT_PIL, **kwargs, ) else: level = self._wsi.get_best_level_for_downsample(scale_factor) wsi_image = self._wsi.read_region( (0, 0), level, self._wsi.level_dimensions[level] ) # ---converts openslide read_region to an actual RGBA image--- wsi_image = wsi_image.convert("RGB") img = wsi_image.resize( (new_w, new_h), IMG_UPSAMPLE_MODE if new_w >= wsi_image.size[0] else IMG_DOWNSAMPLE_MODE, ) arr_img = np.asarray(img) return img, arr_img def _resampled_dimensions( self, scale_factor: int = 32 ) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """Scale the slide dimensions of a specified factor. Parameters --------- scale_factor : int, 32 by default Image scaling factor Returns ------- Tuple[int, int, int, int] Original slide dimensions and scaled dimensions (original w, original h, resampled w, resampled h). """ large_w, large_h = self.dimensions new_w = math.floor(large_w / scale_factor) new_h = math.floor(large_h / scale_factor) return large_w, large_h, new_w, new_h @lazyproperty def _thumbnail_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: r"""Compute the thumbnail size proportionally to the slide dimensions. If the size of the slide is (v, m) where v has magnitude w and m has magnitude n, that is, .. math:: \left\lceil{\\log_{10}(v)}\right\rceil = w and .. math:: \left\lceil{\log_{10}(m)}\right\rceil = n then the thumbnail size is computed as: .. math:: \big(\frac{v}{10^{w-2}},\frac{v}{10^{n-2}}\big) Returns ------- Tuple[int, int] Thumbnail size """ return tuple( [ int(s / np.power(10, math.ceil(math.log10(s)) - 3)) for s in self.dimensions ] ) @lazyproperty def _tile_source(self) -> Union[openslide.OpenSlide, openslide.ImageSlide]: """Open the slide and returns a large_image tile source object Returns ------- source : large_image TileSource object An TileSource object representing a whole-slide image. Raises ------ MayNeedLargeImageError If `use_largeimage` was set to False when slide was initialized. """ if not self._use_largeimage: raise MayNeedLargeImageError( "This property uses the large_image module. Please set " "use_largeimage to True when instantiating this Slide." ) source = large_image.getTileSource(self._path) return source @lazyproperty def _wsi(self) -> Union[openslide.OpenSlide, openslide.ImageSlide]: """Open the slide and returns an openslide object Returns ------- slide : OpenSlide object An OpenSlide object representing a whole-slide image. """ bad_format_error = ( "This slide may be corrupted or have a non-standard format not " "handled by the openslide and PIL libraries. Consider setting " "use_largeimage to True when instantiating this Slide." ) try: slide = openslide.open_slide(self._path) except PIL.UnidentifiedImageError: raise PIL.UnidentifiedImageError(bad_format_error) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( f"The wsi path resource doesn't exist: {self._path}" ) except Exception as other_error: raise HistolabException(other_error.__repr__() + f". {bad_format_error}") return slide
[docs]class SlideSet: """Slideset object. It is considered a collection of Slides.""" def __init__( self, slides_path: str, processed_path: str, valid_extensions: List[str], keep_slides: List[str] = None, slide_kwargs: dict = None, ) -> None: self._slides_path = slides_path self._processed_path = processed_path self._valid_extensions = valid_extensions self._keep_slides = keep_slides self._slide_kwargs = slide_kwargs if slide_kwargs is not None else {} def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Slide]: """Slides of the slideset Returns ------- generator of `Slide` objects. """ slide_names = [ name for name in os.listdir(self._slides_path) if (os.path.splitext(name)[1] in self._valid_extensions) ] if self._keep_slides is not None: slide_names = [name for name in slide_names if name in self._keep_slides] return iter( [ Slide( os.path.join(self._slides_path, name), self._processed_path, **self._slide_kwargs, ) for name in slide_names ] ) def __getitem__(self, slide_id: int) -> Slide: """Slide object given the correspondent id""" return list(self.__iter__())[slide_id] def __len__(self) -> int: """Total number of the slides of this Slideset Returns ------- int number of the Slides. """ return len(list(self.__iter__())) # ---public interface methods and properties---
[docs] def scaled_images( self, scale_factor: int = 32, n: int = 0 ) -> List[PIL.Image.Image]: """Return rescaled images of the slides. Parameters ---------- scale_factor : int, optional Image scaling factor. Default is 32. n : int, optional First n slides in dataset folder to rescale. Default is 0, meaning that all the slides will be returned. Returns ------- List[PIL.Image.Image] List of rescaled images of the slides. """ n = self.total_slides if (n > self.total_slides or n == 0) else n rescaled_imgs = [] for slide in list(self.__iter__())[:n]: rescaled_imgs.append(slide.scaled_image(scale_factor)) return rescaled_imgs
[docs] def thumbnails(self, n: int = 0) -> List[PIL.Image.Image]: """Return slides thumbnails Parameters ---------- n : int, optional First n slides in dataset folder. Default is 0, meaning that the thumbnails of all the slides will be returned. Returns ------- List[PIL.Image.Image] List of slides thumbnails """ n = self.total_slides if (n > self.total_slides or n == 0) else n thumbnails = [] for slide in list(self.__iter__())[:n]: thumbnails.append(slide.thumbnail) return thumbnails
@lazyproperty def slides_stats(self) -> dict: """Statistics for the WSI collection, namely the number of available slides; the slide with the maximum/minimum width; the slide with the maximum/minimum height; the slide with the maximum/minimum size; the average width/height/size of the slides. Returns ---------- basic_stats: dict of slides stats e.g. min_size, avg_size, etc... """ return { "no_of_slides": self.total_slides, "max_width": self._max_width_slide, "max_height": self._max_height_slide, "max_size": self._max_size_slide, "min_width": self._min_width_slide, "min_height": self._min_height_slide, "min_size": self._min_size_slide, "avg_width": self._avg_width_slide, "avg_height": self._avg_height_slide, "avg_size": self._avg_size_slide, } @lazyproperty def total_slides(self) -> int: """Number of slides within the slideset. Returns ---------- n: int Number of slides. """ return self.__len__() # ---private interface methods and properties--- @lazyproperty def _avg_width_slide(self) -> float: return sum(d["width"] for d in self._slides_dimensions) / self.total_slides @lazyproperty def _avg_height_slide(self) -> float: return sum(d["height"] for d in self._slides_dimensions) / self.total_slides @lazyproperty def _avg_size_slide(self) -> float: return sum(d["size"] for d in self._slides_dimensions) / self.total_slides @lazyproperty def _max_height_slide(self) -> dict: max_height = max(self._slides_dimensions, key=lambda x: x["height"]) return {"slide": max_height["slide"], "height": max_height["height"]} @lazyproperty def _max_size_slide(self) -> dict: max_size = max(self._slides_dimensions, key=lambda x: x["size"]) return {"slide": max_size["slide"], "size": max_size["size"]} @lazyproperty def _max_width_slide(self) -> dict: max_width = max(self._slides_dimensions, key=lambda x: x["width"]) return {"slide": max_width["slide"], "width": max_width["width"]} @lazyproperty def _min_width_slide(self) -> dict: min_width = min(self._slides_dimensions, key=lambda x: x["width"]) return {"slide": min_width["slide"], "width": min_width["width"]} @lazyproperty def _min_height_slide(self) -> dict: min_height = min(self._slides_dimensions, key=lambda x: x["height"]) return {"slide": min_height["slide"], "height": min_height["height"]} @lazyproperty def _min_size_slide(self) -> dict: min_size = min(self._slides_dimensions, key=lambda x: x["size"]) return {"slide": min_size["slide"], "size": min_size["size"]} @lazyproperty def _slides_dimensions(self) -> List[dict]: return [ { "slide":, "width": slide.dimensions[0], "height": slide.dimensions[1], "size": slide.dimensions[0] * slide.dimensions[1], } for slide in list(self.__iter__()) ] @lazyproperty def _slides_dimensions_list(self): return [slide.dimensions for slide in list(self.__iter__())]